- Course Description
DIGITAL PIANO CLASS 1 과목의 심화과정이며, 영어강의로 진행되며 뮤직프로덕션과 학생들을 위한 기본적인 피아노 테크닉과 음악적 개념을 디지털 피아노를 통해 올바른 연주방법을 실습하고 실용적인 피아노음악의 다양한 장르 즉, 재즈피아노, 팝, 대중음악, CCM 등을 익히고 학습한다.
- Course Objectives
To improve the Department of Music Production students' individual digital piano skills
by teaching them piano chord progressions, scales, melodies, arranging and improvisational techniques
- Teachnig Method
1. Group theory lectures
2. Individual piano lessons
3. Demonstration of exercises and sample tunes
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Digital Piano Classroom, Manuscript Paper, Pencil, Magic Marker, Whiteboard, Projector, CD Player
- Practical application of the course
1. Improving students' individual playing techniques on the digital piano
2. This class will have both theory lecture time and performance time.
- Reference