1. Course Description
    DIGITAL PIANO CLASS 1 과목의 심화과정이며, 영어강의로 진행되며 뮤직프로덕션과 학생들을 위한 기본적인 피아노 테크닉과 음악적 개념을 디지털 피아노를 통해 올바른 연주방법을 실습하고 실용적인 피아노음악의 다양한 장르 즉, 재즈피아노, 팝, 대중음악, CCM 등을 익히고 학습한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    To improve the Department of Music Production students' individual digital piano skills by teaching them piano chord progressions, scales, melodies, arranging and improvisational techniques
  3. Teachnig Method
    1. Group theory lectures 2. Individual piano lessons 3. Demonstration of exercises and sample tunes
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Digital Piano Classroom, Manuscript Paper, Pencil, Magic Marker, Whiteboard, Projector, CD Player
  7. Practical application of the course
    1. Improving students' individual playing techniques on the digital piano 2. This class will have both theory lecture time and performance time.
  8. Reference