1. Midterm: Submission of Cultural Visit Report
1) Place : Any place that symbolically represents Korean culture can be used.
2) Content : Any field that represents Korean culture, i.e. music, art, architecture, religion, food, clothing, craft, etc.
3) Deadline : Before Midterm Exams (By the end of April)
4) Length : Free Length
5) Method : Visit a cultural place individually or in a group, check the cultural characteristics, history, and the potential for development of the culture through research, interviews, photos, videos, etc., and submit the result in PPT or video.
6) Submission : Submit by email to the professor in charge ( Even when conducting a cultural field trip in a group, each report must be submitted individually.
2. Final Exam : Culture Class Demonstration
1) Content : Conduct the demo class that introduces culture on the same topic as the cultural visit report submitted until the midterm exam.
2) Demonstration : After midterm exams until final exams
3) Length : 10 minutes
4) Method : Free
5) Submission of Lesson Plan : Submit by email (
※ Submit your lesson plan by email no later than the week before your demo class.
After submitting, please send a message via KakaoTalk.
6) Inquiry : Email ( or KakaoTalk (ID: yhlee2018)
3. Quiz test: Test of cultural terms and vocabulary used in class, conducted twice during the semester
4. Evaluation Ratio : 40% Cultural Visit Report including attendance, 40% Culture Class Demo including presentation, and 20% Quiz Test