- Course Description
This course is designed to familiarize students with the genre of English writing that includes technical reports, proposals (for grants or research projects), commercial or other industry-related, specialized documents. This genre primarily uses a (typically neutral) fact-driven, communication-oriented style of writing, unlike the argumentative essay with which students are more familiar. Technical writing will be approached through a "see & experiment"h method: a small research project may be undertaken during the course, in order to incorporate firsthand practice planning and composing each type of document. It is hoped that, upon completion of the course, students are familiar with and competent in undertaking these tasks independently. This course will be offered as an optional credit course for sophomores (or higher) students in all majors.
- Course Objectives
The intent of this course is to prepare you for the type of professional communication you are likely
to engage in during your first post-university jobs and beyond. This course focuses on technical
communication—the presentation of specialized information in an accessible way to a variety of
different audiences, but audiences who, no doubt, will expect clarity, accuracy, and professionalism
from you.
- Teachnig Method
Active participation in class such as group activities, role-playing and presentation - is required.
Time is of the essence.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
An intermediate level of English at both written and spoken level - is required.
- Practical application of the course
Employability in English speaking world/international organisations/multinational companies will be improved, as well as students' ability to communicate in English in a commercial activity/business context will be enhanced.
- Reference