- Course Description
Students will explore how their culture, gender, economic status, age and other personal characteristics influence their work communications. The course will explore verbal and non-verbal communication skills in a global work environment. Students will learn written communication techniques most effective for use in the technology workplace. Additionally, students will explore and practice negotiation skills, both internally and externally to their workplace.
- Course Objectives
The goals of this course are to make students more comfortable with speaking and using written English in formal situations.
- Teachnig Method
Get the book, come to class, do the work, and participate.
- Textbook
- Assessment
"Midterm Exam" refers to a graded recorded presentation.
"Assignment" refers to an ungraded recorded presentation and team feedback.
- Requiments
Regardless of your skill or experience with English, you should be willing to speak and write it as much as you can.
- Practical application of the course
The goal of the course is to expand students’ familiarity and comfort with English in the areas of business, especially in the areas of presentations and business writing.
- Reference