1. Course Description
    재미있는 러시아 만화영화를 보면서 러시아어 실력을 향상시킬 수 있는 과목이다. 4편의 흥미로운 러시아 만화영화를 보고 작품소개, 등장인물 소개, 배경설명 등을 한다. 영화 장면을 보기 전에 이러한 사전 지식을 갖게 됨으로써 영화 속의 대화가 훨씬 쉽게 들릴 수 있다. 어휘력과 듣기 능력을 동시에 학습할 수 있는 과목이다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Each student is sure to have individual goals and will certainly be assisted in attaining them. The general goals for this course are: • Foster further confidence in general communication skills and in second language communication. a. Self-expression at the Elementary level (greetings, counting, basic expressions) b. Writing skills. • Increase communicative competence at a low level. • Encourage interest in various subject matters related to Elementary level. • Expand context-specific vocabulary based on the hand-out. • Provide a deeper understanding of various facets of the Russian language in a parallel mode to language acquisition.
  3. Teachnig Method
    1. Allow me to assist you - let's respect each other. 2. Stay in a classroom until class is over. 3. Keep smartphone use to a minimum.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    1. Attendance - crucial in getting B+, A+ grades 2. Assignment/in class participation - crucial in getting B+, A+ grades%
  6. Requiments
    1. Timely fulfillment of all assignments. 2. Registering for counselling.
  7. Practical application of the course
    This course will focus on developing communication skills for a variety of contexts, from everyday conversation. We will examine various aspects of ELEMENTARY TORFL in addition to cultural aspects of Russian, which may help students in future situations. Through a variety of in-class and out-of-class activities, students will be given numerous (and various) opportunities to build on previously learned skills, develop new skills, and learn strategies that may be used throughout their careers.
  8. Reference