- Course Description
러시아어로 말하는 데 있어서 필수적이라 여겨지는 88개의 주요 구문들을 익히는 과목이다. 기본이 되는 88개 문장에 대한 단어와 문법을 배운다. 또한 비슷한 유형의 예문들을 동시에 익힘으로써 그 구문을 더 잘 이해할수록 돕는다. 필수적인 구문들을 자신의 것으로 만들어서 말을 하거나 작문을 할 때 도움이 되도록 한다.
- Course Objectives
Each student is sure to have individual goals and will certainly be assisted in attaining them.
The general goals for this course are:
• Foster further confidence in general communication skills and in second language communication.
a. Revise level A2 competences
b. Upgrade level A2 competences
c. Move towards level B1 competences
• Increase communicative competence.
• Prepare students to more readily participate in Russian lectures in content courses and future academic and professional contexts.
• Encourage interest in various subject matters with consideration of the level's limitations.
• Expand context-specific vocabulary.
• Provide a possibly deeper understanding of various facets of the Russian language.
- Teachnig Method
1. Allow me to assist you - let's respect each other.
2. Stay in the a classroom until class is over.
3. Keep smartphone use to a minimum.
- Textbook
- Assessment
1. Attendance - crucial in getting B+, A+ grades
2. Assignment/in class participation - crucial in getting B+, A+ grades%
- Requiments
1. Timely fulfillment of all assignments.
2. Registering for counselling.
- Practical application of the course
This course will focus on developing communication skills for a variety of contexts, from everyday conversation, to presentations, to media-based communications. We will examine various aspects of discourse in addition to cultural aspects of Russian, which may help students in future situations.
Through a variety of in-class and out-of-class activities, students will be given numerous (and various) opportunities to build on previously learned skills, develop new skills, and learn strategies that may be used throughout their careers.
- Reference