- Course Description
This course will focus on helping students develop their skills and confidence in conversational English. As such, the main focus of the course will be on providing students with opportunities to communicate in a variety of situations, e.g., pair and group activities. Students will have the opportunity to discuss a broad range of topics, give a variety of different presentations, and enhance their cultural competence in terms of appropriateness of language and idiomatic speech.
They will also have opportunities to increase their competence in listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, oral grammar, and conversational strategy use.
- Course Objectives
The objective of this Spring 2024 course is to improve both written and spoken English.
In writing, students will complete summary, opinion, and question writing assignments, with the specific intention of using both writing types as a preparation for speaking.
The focus is on accuracy & content in writing and accuracy & fluency in speaking.
The course will help you express your ideas and feeling on topics in English, listen to others, and engage in conversation.
As your teacher, I will facilitate this and correct all of your assignments in advance of your speaking activities, so that you are prepared.
I hope I can provide a fun, educational, and motivational course for you.
Thank you.
- Teachnig Method
Class Rules will be discussed at the start of the course.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
There are no prerequisites for this course, other than digital devices.
- Practical application of the course
As it is a language course, the practical use of the course is communication in a second language. Students will be expected to write individual assignments, share and discuss these assignments in small groups, and then share their group work to the full class.
So, in addition to language, students may find the designed tasks useful in future real contexts.
- Reference