- Course Description
This course will focus on helping students further develop their skills and confidence in conversational English. It will continue to focus on providing students with opportunities to communicate in a variety of situations, e.g., pair and group activities. Students will enhance their ability to discuss a broad range of topics; present information in a variety of contexts, e.g., informal communication, public presentation; and communicate in a manner that is both culturally appropriate and idiomatic. They will also have opportunities to increase their competence in listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, oral grammar, and conversational strategy use.
- Course Objectives
This course helps you to:
1. Speak English more fluently and express your ideas clearly
2. Use vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar correctly
3. Interact in English "naturally" by using idioms and expressions employed by native speaker
- Teachnig Method
English is the language of instruction / interaction. Minus points for use of other languages.
Participation is essential in classes. Get involved and and ask / answer questions.
Cell phones and class behaviour
Set your phone to silent before each class starts. Only use it for study purposes.
Points are deducted if you send texts, leave class without explanation, refuse to take part in activities, or behave rudely.
Have the course textbook, a note book, and a pen / pencil with you every class.
Assignments and assessments
If you don't give your presentation / take part in the final interview on the scheduled day, you lose 5 points right away. You get a zero score for any assignment you don't do (including online practice tasks), which means you may fail the course.
If you have a good reason for being unable to complete and assignment or assessment on time, you must contact me before the deadline or assessment day.
You will get a score of zero if you copy sentences without reference in your presentation.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
To pass this course you must:
Attend classes regularly and actively participate in class discussions. Lateness and absences will be subject to appropriate penalties (to be outlined in the opening class).
Complete all assessments and assignments on time. There are penalties for late work.
Attend a minimum of 2/3 of scheduled classes. You will fail the course if you miss more than 9 classes without providing admin-approved certification.
- Practical application of the course
This course provides students with valuable preparation for the spoken components of the TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS tests. In addition, students will be able to utilise the conversation skills learned in this class in a variety of real-life situations. These include having informal conversations with native speakers, taking interviews in English, and using functional English when working, studying or travelling in an English-speaking country.
- Reference