1. Course Description
    This course will focus on helping students further develop their skills and confidence in conversational English. It will continue to focus on providing students with opportunities to communicate in a variety of situations, e.g., pair and group activities. Students will enhance their ability to discuss a broad range of topics; present information in a variety of contexts, e.g., informal communication, public presentation; and communicate in a manner that is both culturally appropriate and idiomatic. They will also have opportunities to increase their competence in listening and reading comprehension, vocabulary, pronunciation, oral grammar, and conversational strategy use.
  2. Course Objectives
    This course will seek to develop students' abilities to discuss a range of issues and communicate their ideas in a manner that is readily comprehensible to both a native and non-native speaker of English. Students will take a more active role in the initiation and continuation of conversations, and they will be capable of presenting information in a variety of ways. They will also become more skilled at directing the flow of a conversation and discussing ideas within a group setting. Students will be more skilled in interacting in such settings through the use of such strategies as interruption and clarification requests. Students will gain increased confidence in their English comprehension and communicative ability while improving their vocabulary, pronunciation, and oral grammar. In addition, they will come to appreciate the importance of appropriacy and register in the successful holding of a conversation.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students are expected to play an active role in the class and to interact with both the instructor and each other solely in English. Pair and group work will make up a substantial portion of each class, with students being assigned to different pairs/groups for various activities. Given that this is a conversation class, attendance and punctuality are important. In addition, if students are asked to provide materials or prepare for class, it is expected that this will be done. It is also expected that students will display some independence in their learning, be capable of vocalizing their goals in English, and work independently toward achieving them.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Final Exam - An individual interview between each student and the instructor based on the topics covered during the semester Presentation - A full class presentation on a specific topic related to a unit in the book. The general topic will be supplied by the instructor, but students will be able to choose their specific topic within this Discussion - Each student will be responsible for running a short discussion in a small group Participation involves such things as being actively involved in class, working willingly with other students in class, and being prepared for class and assignments. EXTRA CREDIT - Up to 5% extra credit is available. These marks will be awarded to students who find mistakes in the use of English in Korea and who present and explain these mistakes to the class
  6. Requiments
    Students should have a reasonable command of spoken English and should feel capable of expressing themselves in English. Students should also be willing to participate actively in class and to interact with both each other and the instructor. As this is a conversation course, students' contributions in class will have a key bearing on their final grade. As such, consistent effort will be required throughout the course.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students taking this course will be able to use the knowledge and confidence they gain to function in a wide variety of conversational settings. They will gain an increased understanding of the requirements of their interlocutor and of cultural conventions, and will develop the ability and the confidence to handle themselves appropriately in both one-on-one and group exchanges with both native and non-native speakers of English.
  8. Reference