- Course Description
This course is designed for students who have experience writing in English at the paragraph-level. It will focus on guiding these students through the processes involved in creating coherent, organized, and well-supported multi-paragraph compositions. Students will learn some key academic writing skills, including a variety of patterns of organization, which they will be able to apply in a broad range of writing contexts. In addition, students will be encouraged to view writing as a collaborative and recursive process, with feedback and revision being central to the production of effective compositions.
- Course Objectives
This class helps you to:
1. Communicate your ideas in coherent sentences and cohesive paragraphs
2. Expand your vocabulary and improve your grammatical accuracy
3. Write focused essays, purposeful reviews / emails, and expressive literary analyses
- Teachnig Method
Classroom Policies
Plagiarism is presenting the ideas or words of another person as your own. This class has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on cheating.
If you plagiarise an assignment, you will receive ZERO points for it. If you cheat a second time, you will FAIL the course overall. Do not copy from books, websites, or other students.
Assessments and Assignments
Any assignment or assessment completed late will be heavily penalised. Writing tasks submitted late will be deducted 5 POINTS per day (each task is worth 30 POINTS, or 7.5% of your total score). Tasks submitted more than 5 WORKING DAYS after the initial deadline will not be accepted.
You will receive a ZERO score for any UNCOMPLETED assignment or assessment. This includes NO SHOW for midterm exam, error correction test, and final exam.
If there is a good reason why you cannot take an assessment or submit an assignment on time, you must contact me BEFORE the assessment day / deadline.
English is the language of instruction and course communication. Feel free to contact me via email or the CTL whenever you have questions about class and assignments.
Class Etiquette
Set your smartphone to silent before class starts. Only use it for study purposes.
POINTS are deducted from your final score if you send texts, leave class for no reason, refuse to take part in activities, or behave rudely.
Make sure you have the course textbook, a notebook, and a pen / pencil with you every class. Keep handouts and take note of important dates deadlines.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
To pass this course you must:
Complete all assessments and assignments. There are penalties for late work.
Attend at least 2/3 of scheduled classes. If you miss 9 classes or more without providing admin-approved certification, you will FAIL the course.
- Practical application of the course
This course provides students with valuable preparation for the written components of the TOEIC, TOEFL, and IELTS tests. In addition, students will learn about practical forms of written English - including e-mails, business letters, and reviews - which will assist them in applying for jobs, conducting business correspondence, expressing opinions, and making travel arrangements.
- Reference