1. Course Description
    이 과목은 기초영글쓰기 다음 단계로 문단 구성에 역점을 두고 문단의 주제 문장작성과 주제를 전개하도록 한다. 영어글쓰기에 필요한 기본 문형패턴을 단계적으로 학습하여 상황에 적합한 다양한 표현을 구사 할 수 있도록 한다. 문자유형, 어휘결함품사와 연관된 문법구조 등을 학습하고 이와 관련된 예문들의 연습을 통하여 응용능력을 겸비하게 한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    A) Purpose: To practice written English skills through various writing topics. The focus of the course will be on content, structure, and style. Students will develop written proficiency from full sentences, to paragraphs, and into short essays. The goal is to develop confidence writing formally and informally as well as creatively. B) Course Content: Students will use model readings, sample essays, pictures, writing exercises, and creative in class activities to develop their composition skills. Individual essays and group work will be shared in class during weekly writing workshops. In addition, students are expected to keep a notebook of all written work.
  3. Teachnig Method
    ****Attendance Grade- Students will be allowed two (2) unexcused absences, which will not affect their grades. Each additional absence will result in a one point deduction from their attendance score. More than ten (10) unexcused absences will result in a failing (F) grade for the semester according to Keimyung University’s attendance policy.****
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference