- Course Description
· 멀티 미디어 시대를 맞아 능력있는 방송 앵커, 아나운서, 리포터의 수요 급증.
· 현재 국내 방송사 진행자는 사설 학원과 방송국 부설 혹은 자체 교육으로 양성
· 일반 방송인 양성 교육기관은 대부분 방송 요령과 같은 실기 위주 교육 실시
· 본 수업은 방송 진행자에게 필요한 방송 요령과 같은 진행자가 갖춰야 할 전문 지식은 물론 방송의 역사, 철학 그리고 사회적 문화적 역할에 대한 고찰을 통해 균형 감각과 깊이 있는 방송 진행자 양성을 목표로 함.
- Course Objectives
Students will gain an understanding of visual journalism through practical application while exploring current and emerging story forms.
Students will learn different roles for interactive and engaging storytelling. An emphasis will be placed on narrative, documentary-style video and visual stories for TV and web.
- Teachnig Method
We will focus on creating and publishing multimedia stories. Your multimedia stories must be local, campus or community-related. You will work in teams of four.
Final Project
- TV show production
- A 60 minute show (10 episodes / 10 groups - 4 students in a group)
- Each episode = 6 minutes
- 10 different episodes within one topic of choice
- The students will have take roles of directing, producing, shooting, and editing
- For the late submission, there will be penalty points
- In class, we will be using a textbook.
- The final test will be based on this textbook.
- If a student is absent for more than 8 times, they will get an "F" except for special cases (official documents are accepted)
a) Personal illness - one time acceptable, except for severe illness (official document is needed)
b) Participation of special events approved by the school (official document is needed)
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
No prerequisite
- Practical application of the course
Students will demonstrate the ability to work as a journalist with industry-standard DSLR and mobile gear to enhance and tell compelling stories using a variety of techniques.
- Reference