- Course Description
본 교과목은 유익한 대학생활과 합리적 진로설계를 조력하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해, 본 교과목에서는 대학 시설 및 학생서비스 이용, 대학생활 예절, 그리고 진로 관련 자기이해, 직업세계 이해, 진로 의사결정 등의 내용을 다룬다.
- Course Objectives
This course is designed to equip KAC students in the International Relations (IR) department with an overview of life as an IR major, insight from IR faculty and alumni, as well as basic university survival skills required to be successful and productive students. The course will cover a variety of topics including active reading and learning, researching and note taking, efficient time management, multiple intelligences, examination and study skills, interpersonal relations, conflict resolution, and employment preparation.
The aims of this course are to prepare first year IR students for study at KAC and to help students better adjust to the new learning environment and learning styles at KAC.
- Teachnig Method
This course will have a combination of online (pre-recorded video) and in-person content. Please be sure to watch any online content within the official time period as shown on CTL.
In addition, successful students will:
1 - Check CTL regularly for assignment information, announcements, and so on
2 - Meet regularly with their supervising professor
3 - Ask for help (by asking questions in class, sending an email, or scheduling an appointment with a professor)
4 - Have an open mind, and a willingness to learn more about themselves and the IR department
5 - Maintain academic integrity; the course is about learning more about yourself and what you want, so please do not use Papago, ChatGPT, or other online tools to express your own ideas
6 - Remember to format files neatly and, when necessary, by following the APA formatting guidelines.
7 - Check the syllabus and be aware of the rules of the course, the semester timetable, and so on. The course syllabus will be posted on CTL.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
To successfully complete this course, you will need:
1 - English-language ability
2 - a working laptop or tablet,
3 - access to the internet and to CTL
4 - Microsoft Word or a similar program for creating your assignment files
- Practical application of the course
This course is intended to help you more actively plan your university life and career, and to make choices that will meet your needs.
- Reference