1. Course Description
    Tourism can be studied in many ways. Besides the general business perspective tourism can be also approached as a socio-cultural system based on human and social interactions. Tourists not only consume commodities but they also produce social experiences, everyday myths, communal stories, family photographs or other life experiences. From a sociological point of view tourism creates different societas and carries significant social functions. During the seminar we will discuss tourism in an inter0disciplinary frame using sociology, history, human geography, and anthropology. Main topics: society, culture, authenticity, tradition, myths, performance, body senses, environment and space. The main question of this module is that what people actually do, feel and think while they perform tourism and corporeally engage with their environment. To explore this question the module provides insights into the sociology of tourism, one of the most dominant sub0disciplines that studies tourism as a system of social norms and created values.
  2. Course Objectives
    Upon completion of this course students will be equipped to: 1. Understand the relationship between tourism and society. 2. Apply social theories in explaining tourism development, issues and impacts. 3. Discuss non-profit, community-based, and alternative type of tourism and its social benefits. 4. Relate tourism to local and economic development, its effects on the environment and the concept of sustainable tourism development.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Sick leave needs a doctor’s prescription afterwards. Causal leave needs preapproval supporting documents that can be submitted afterwards. Deadlines of assignments and presentations are not extendable. Late submission of assignments is generally not acceptable. In an exceptional case, a penalty may be applied. No re-sit for the quiz and exam for any reason. For sick leave and a family member’s funeral coincident with the quiz or exam date, a compensation test will be given afterwards without penalty.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Individual assignment (Google Forms) (20%): The assignment is an individual project for every student to fill out a Google Form. Group Presentation (40%): Students in a group of 2-4 persons are required to make a half-hour oral presentation (15-20 minutes for a presentation and 10 minutes for a Q&A session).
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    The primary purpose of this course is to teach the students social theories in explaining tourism development, issues and impacts. Tourism should not be understood only its materialistic goals; there is a broader and deeper relationship between tourism and society. In particular, non-profit, community-based, as well as alternative types of tourism are also concerned. The course provides the students with a whole picture of tourism, including its social, cultural and environmental dimensions.
  8. Reference