- Course Description
체육 진로 관리 기술은 학생들에게 강의실 내에서의 기술과 지식을 한층 더 향상시키고 그러한 지식과 기술을 실제 상황에 적용시킬 기회를 제공한다. 이 교과목은 진로 계획과 관리 차원에서 직업과 관련된 기술을 습득하는 것과 관련된 변수들을 설명하는 다양한 경험들로 구성된다.
- Course Objectives
The purpose of career management skills is to:
1.Introduce to the student the various attributes, skills and knowledge associated with the improvement of job-related skills.
2.Apply how this practical knowledge and abilities may be applied to different career areas and occupations by creating projects related to sports, fitness, and/or exercise within or outside the university with participants from all demographical categories.
3. Set up students become better labour market candidates not only in the physical education field but also in other career paths.
- Teachnig Method
Rules shall be given during the orientation period
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Students should have basic English comprehension
- Practical application of the course
The skills will be learned in this course can be applied in their future work environment
- Reference