1. Course Description
    This course is a beginner's introduction to Unity and gives an overview of level creation. At the end of the semester the students should be comfortable developing within Unity and will be able to create a fully textured level with grass, mountains, plains and weather systems. We will also look in depth at how the particle, animation and physic systems work within Unity and the final build settings.
  2. Course Objectives
    Implement the basic knowledge of 3D game development Experiencing the design and development process of 3D game application
  3. Teachnig Method
    Maximum absent by school rule is 25%, for this class maximum absent is 4, If you are absent 5 times or more, you will fail the class. If you are late, you may want to come to me after the class to check your attendance.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Attendance : 10% Activity and Exercise : 20% Term-project : 70% (10+20+10+30) Proposal paper and presentation (10%) Progress report and presentation (20% as mid-term score) Discussions (10%) Final report and presentation (30%)
  6. Requiments
    Basic Programming knowledge
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference