- Course Description
본 강좌에서는 시각 환경의 프리핸드 묘사기법들을 익히게 하여 디자인 구상과 글쓰기 표현을 유기적으로 원활하게 전개하도록 훈련한다. 투시도 구축과 그림자 그리기를 포함한 각종 묘사기법들을 총동원하여 3차원 공간을 실감나게 시각화할 수 있는 기량을 배양한다
- Course Objectives
- To develop and cultivate the ability to read architectural drawings and construct perspectives.
- To express ideas and concepts through writing, architectural sketches and drawings, and collages.
- To develop and cultivate the ability to analyze and write about architecture (in English).
- To introduce and comprehend fundamental design properties and characteristics of architecture.
- To cultivate critical thinking skills through observation and reflection of the built environment.
SPC 07. Architectural Communication
Ability to express architectural ideas by design phases using diverse media such as oral, writing, sketch, drawing, model effectively chosen to different circumstances and audiences. (using English language in some design projects)
- Teachnig Method
- Students attendance in the class during assigned times is mandatory.
- Maintenance of the class room space: Discipline and organization of the provided space is under the responsibility and attention of the student.
- Students are asked to participate in the critique of classmates as it gives the best forum for learning how to critically judge pieces of art/architecture/design.
- For each class, students must read the assigned reading and provide sufficient work for discussions.
- Punctuality, discipline and appropriate behavior are considered as an integral part of the class.
- Missing 33 % of class is considered F.
- 10% deduction from score will be applied if work is late for all submissions.
- 10% deduction will be applied for incomplete submission.
- Any plagiarized work will receive an “F” grade.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Students must be prepared for each class:
- Pencils (4H, 2H, HB, 2HB, 4HB), ruler, triangular ruler, transparent paper (A3), eraser, masking tape, white paper
- Prepared for discussion in English
- Practical application of the course
This course is fundamental to architectural representation and communication.
Students learn how to construct projection drawings, paralleled and perspective drawings with shadows.
Moreover, visual hierarchy, composition techniques and layout principles are introduced.
Additionally, students learn how to critically observe, analyze and communicate their own experience with the built environment through freehand drawings and writing.
Students are introduced to the fifteen fundamental properties that are relevant for a functioning urban environment that can support a sustainable community.
Students learn how to translate their observations into abstract drawings and models that can be utilized into their architectural projects.
- Reference