1. Course Description
    이 과정은 질병 부담과 사망률의 분포 측면에서의 국제 보건과, 글로벌 건강 불균형, 세계보건 개입의 결과, 신흥 감염증의 결정 등에 대해 소개 한다. 이러한 요인은 글로벌 상호 의존성의 넓은 패턴에서 분석된다. 또한, 이 과정을 통해 주요 글로벌 건강 도전, 프로그램 및 정책에 대해서도 학습하며, 빈곤, 갈등 및 응급상황, 그리고 질병 예방 및 건강 증진을 위한 주요 글로벌 사업을 포함하여 현재 세계 보건의 주요 쟁점을 분석한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    (1) At the end of the course, students will be able to describe the global burden of disease and mortality in multiple dimensions and understand the main causes of mortality and morbidity today; (2) Students will understand the cultural diversity of population groups around the world, their values, belief systems, and responses to illness and death; (3) Students will be able to describe the cause and consequences of population growth and its benefits; (4) Students will be able to define the challenges for low and middle income countries and the changing patterns of etiology of disease as their economies grow.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Please, follow KMU rules and regulations
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    No prerequisite required.
  7. Practical application of the course
    The course introduces international health in terms of disease burden and distribution of mortality, the determinants of global health disparities, the outcomes of global health interventions, and emerging infectious diseases. These factors are analyzed in the context of the wider patterns of global interdependencies. Further, the course examines major global health challenges, programs, and policies. The course will also analyze current and emerging global health priorities, including poverty, conflicts and emergencies, and major global initiatives for disease prevention and health promotion. Gives students vantage point of exploring issues related to the worldwide improvement of health, the reduction of disparities, and protection against global health threats that disregard national borders.
  8. Reference