1. Course Description
    세무업무 담당자가 세무전문가로서 활동하는데 영어의 중요성은 날로 커지고 있다. 특히 영어능력이 있고, 국제화 감각이 있는 세무 전문가의 경우, 사회적 수요가 크기 때문에, 취업조건도 보다 유리한 실정이다. 본 과목에서는 최신 세무관련 주제를 영어로 강의하여, 체계적인 영어지식과 글로벌한 세무 전문지식을 갖추도록 하는 데, 수업의 목표가 있다.
  2. Course Objectives
    This course is designed to enhance the comprehensive English language communication abilities of the students. The course covers the newspaper articles on a range of taxation, accounting and business issues to let the students acquire the relative vocabulary, terms and basic background as well as reading skills. Students are expected to be knowledgeable of and capable of using that material, which included talking about past, present and future plans, directions, and comparisons. Much of the course time will be spent practicing English in pairs or groups.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Classroom Rules: 1. Coverage of Midterm Examinations Midterm examinations will cover the topics and lectures from the start of the classes until the last lecture prior to the scheduled midterm examination. 2. Presentations The students will be grouped and will be given specific topic assignments for presentation before the class. The said presentations will be in lieu of the final examinations and will be evaluated on the bases of the criteria set. 3. Class Tasks/Assignments Students will be grouped and will be required to write their summary of learnings and insights derived from every group presentations. 4. Attendance Significant time is allotted for discussion, active learning, and student submission of class exercises. Therefore each student is encouraged to attend classes regularly to maximize the benefits of learning in this course.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    There are no prerequisite courses for this subject. All taxation majors and some other exchange students or those taking up business related courses can enroll in this course.
  7. Practical application of the course
    This course would be practical use to the students for they will be exposed to some trends, issues, problems and challenges about taxation systems, procedures and pratices both at the national and international levels. The students will likewise be given the opportunity to be familiarized and be able to gain understanding and appreciation about some key terminologies on global taxation.
  8. Reference