- Course Description
This course provides a general introduction to culture by covering important topics in cultural psychology as well as cultural evolution theory and cultural anthropology. In the first part of the course, we will discuss the definitions and origins of culture and cross-cultural hostility (e.g., discrimination, xenophobia, ethnocentrism, and racism). We will also discuss how to become a global citizen and develop cultural sensitivity. The second part of the course focuses on cultural differences, i.e., how cultures differ from one another in terms of values, cognition, emotions, and behavior. We will also talk about the roots of cultural differences. In the final part, the focus is on how cultural differences can affect communication between cultures and how to communicate effectively with people from other cultures.
- Course Objectives
1-Familiarize students with psychological literature on the role of culture in human behavior
2-Familiarize students with issues surrounding cross-cultural transitions. Help them reflect on their encounters in cultural contexts that are different from their native culture
3-Help students build skills needed for interacting competently with others in culturally diverse contexts
- Teachnig Method
This class is face-to-face.
At least 30% of the class time is spent on group activities, you will talk/discuss/debate in your team. If you are not interested in class activities and discussion, this is not a good class for you.
Students are expected to pay close attention to what is going on in the class, stay fully engaged, and actively participate in group and class discussions. You will lose participation points for distraction and disengagement during the class.
The lecture is delivered in English, but the discussions can be done in English or Korean.
There will be two exams, one at midterm and a second exam during finals week. Each exam covers half of the course, and is entirely in English. The exam will include multiple-choice and short answer questions.
There will be a few assignments, which will be posted on the CTL,during the first week of the semester (or before, if possible).
All important announcements and deadlines will be posted on the CTL. It is the students' responsibility to frequently check the CTL website. However, do not use the CTL to communicate with me. Use my email address instead.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
English Language: Even if you do not speak perfect English, you can still get a good grade in this course. But if you do not understand the lectures, you will have problems. The course is taught in English and the exams are given in English.
- Practical application of the course
These experiences and skills can be used in various practical areas, including:
1-Studying and working in other countries
2-Business and marketing in culturally diverse contexts
- Reference