- Course Description
This course aims to provide you with an overview of the functioning of financial markets. Financial Markets, like many other markets, consist of many agents whose interactions give rise to changes in the markets. These changes are such as changes in the interest rates, bond prices and funds provided to the firms. Indeed, a financial market is simply a market of exchange of financial products. Consequently, we will adopt an economic approach to the studies of financial markets in this course. This allows for a better understanding how agents interact in the financial markets.
- Course Objectives
1) To understand the fundamental mechanism of financial markets, 2) to understand what causes investors to provide funds to the firms, 3) to understand the impract of risk and uncertainty on the decisions of financial investors.
- Teachnig Method
.1 At the beginning of each class I will check attendance.
3.2 If you arrive to the classroom later than 15 minutes after the class begins, please do not enter the classroom.
3.3 Please do not walk in and out during the class time
3.4 Telephone call and SMS are strictly prohibited. In case of emergency, you can just ask my permission to do so outside.
3.5 If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to acquire materials and catch up with your friends. Certainly, you can visit my office to ask for clarifications.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Having taken at least Introduction to Microeconomics and Probability and Statistics.
- Practical application of the course
Upon a successful completion of this course, students are expected to have a comprehensive view of financial markets. This makes them ready to work in the field of Finance. Also, a student will be able to comprehend most Finance-related news reported in newspapers.
- Reference