- Course Description
건설 업계는 글로벌 시장이다. 건축가와 엔지니어는 다른 나라에서 활동하기도 한다. 이 과정은 건축 엔지니어링 및 국제적인 맥락에서의 연습과정 소개이다.
해외 건물의 다른 사례 연구를 통해서 우리는 전체 건물과 같은 구조적, 기계적, 전기적 및 모든 공학 시스템 건축과의 합성을 이해하려고 한다.
- Course Objectives
The course objective is to try to understand the current worldwide status of architecture around the world as a whole, focusing on the XXI century trends.
A weekly lecture will introduce some of the most interesting architects world-wide; each week one different architecture team - RCR, Kengo Kuma, OMA, Zaha Hadid ...- to understand their careers, main projects, theoretical approaches, ...
The practial course work will consist of preparing 2 different reports:
- an individual short report: localization of a building in South Korea designed by a foreign architect.
- a group report/presentation: analysis of one international building abroad, using on-line and book sources.
- Teachnig Method
Active participation will be requested; attendance in class will only be considered if there is active participation - answering questions, making questions ...
1/3 of absence will consist of automatic failure of the course.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Active participation is requested; Lectures, workshops and exams will be in English. Therefore, Basic understanding of English language is required (listening, speaking, writting).
International students (exchange students) as well as students from other departments are welcomed.
- Practical application of the course
This course will prepare students to be comfortable with architectural language as well as international architectural trends, and learn how to prepare an architectural/engineering reports and how to use international tools to do research.
English language practical skills related to architecture/engineering will be used, in listening, speaking, writing, reading aspects.
Students will be able to find new inspiration by looking at different design approaches, so that they can use different ideas further in their own designs.
- Reference