1. Course Description
    “패션컬렉션”은 학생들의 아이디어를 창의적으로 기획, 제작, 발표하는 일련의 과정을 실습함으로써 학생들의 진로 탐색에 도움을 주기위한 교과목이다.
  2. Course Objectives
    The class aims to enable students to understand what makes a current (contemporary) and well-balanced fashion collection, reaching a balance between artistic and commercially viable design approaches. The class aims to help students to situate their work within an area in fashion design of their choice. It aims to provide the ability to plan a collection that they will execute the following semester using their creative and technical l skills. The class supports teamwork as well as independent learning and creative expression. An ability to develop contemporary relevant and original design An ability to carry out in depth research An ability to translate research data into ideas An ability to experiment and develop complex technical solutions An ability to communicate ideas visually and verbally
  3. Teachnig Method
    편입학생: 학기 시작 1주일 전에 교수님께 이메일로 연락 후 예약 부탁드립니다. Rules: NO FOOD AND OPEN DRINKS IN THE STUDIO (IMPORTANT) Attendance: Strict attendance monitoring: If a student misses more than 30% of classes (more than 4 missed classes) the result will be F Medical and other related absence are in accordance with the university absence policy 3 times late arrival to class will result in a deduction of attendance points. Meeting with professor available before the semester starts: By appointment. Email IMPORTANT Plagiarism (copy ideas and designs) is strictly forbidden.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Grades Gades A+ = Outstanding A= very good, B=Good, C=Satisfactory, D=Pass, F=Fail Each student will be marked individually Progress: Students' assignments and work-ethic in class Mid term and final exam are marked holistically
  6. Requiments
    IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF YOU CAN TAKE THIS CLASS: CONTACT THE PROFESSOR IN ADVANCE YOU MUST HAVE AN ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE IN ENGLISH 중요 : Admission to class requests must be brought to the professors office - please make an appointment per e mail
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students will be able to use the skills in a professional context, as designers in companies/design teams or startup brands. The skills gained can be applied to a wider job field in the fashion industry such as stylists, creative direction assistants, fashion buyers etc. The class serves as the foundation for the next semester, where students will make the outfits and produce a professional standard fashion show.
  8. Reference