Teachnig Method
Students attending this course will be required to act in a professional, respectful manner to their classmates, their instructor, and themselves, and take an earnest interest in their work. In addition, successful students typically do the following:
• Submit assignments in a timely manner, and by following proper guidelines.
[Any and all extensions must receive prior approval or penalties will be assessed: the assignment may not be accepted, and/or the final grade will be reduced.]
• Avail themselves of the class website.
• Show and accept responsibility for themselves, their work, and their actions.
• Exhibit academic honesty, integrity, and originality. Plagiarism will be strongly punished.
• Monitor their progress in the course, maintaining records of their assignment scores, attendance, and so on.
• Participate positively in class, with an open mind and a receptive attitude.
• Reflect on their work and use the insight gained to guide themselves in their progress.
• Bring all required materials (and, drafts) to class. Feedback sessions and/or in-class writing time may be given in addition to scheduled feedback dates.
Note: All classroom activity will be conducted in English. A warning regarding this will only be given once. Continued use of other languages (i.e. not English) during class can result in a loss of points on your final grade for the course.
Note: At least once during the semester, each student should meet with their instructor to discuss their progress in the course.