- Course Description
The course Future Trends investigates current technological trends that will lead to profound changes of our technological, social, economic, cultural, and political environment. Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence will change our lives very quickly. There will be no aspect of life that will not be affected by these developments, from the way we produce things to the way we spend our leisure time. This change will require adaptions of workers in the production of goods and in their communicative behavior.
The course provides participants with an idea which future changes they can expect in different areas such as technology, medicine, neuroscience, transport, communication, environment, climate, demographics, diverse as economics, society, politics, culture, art, architecture, sport, tourism, and leisure.
Certain methods have been developed to measure and predict future trends. Important methods are: scenario method, trend analysis, anticipatory thinking, technology forecasting, causal layered analysis, and environmental scanning. Knowing about these methods will give participants a competitive edge in their professional careers. It may also result in a change of their thinking regarding future challenges. Being prepared for the future will allow them to adopt a positive and forward-looking attitude toward these challenges.
- Course Objectives
An important question of Future Trends is which future events are possible, probable, and desirable. It identifies current trends and tries to establish whether these trends will continue in the future. It is a genuinely interdisciplinary subject, because it is interested in the possible future developments in fields as diverse as economics, society, politics, culture, art, architecture, technology, medicine, neuroscience, transport, communication, environment, climate, demographics, sport, tourism, and leisure.
Industry 4.0 (internet of things) and artificial intelligence are bringing fast and comprehensive changes to our technical and socio-economic environment. The course is supposed to give participants an idea of possible future developments connected to Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence. This is especially important in times of rapid change. Participants will gain the ability to confront challenges posed by fast changes of their technological, social, cultural environment and it will allow them to better adapt to these changes.
- Teachnig Method
It is expected that all students participate actively.
I would be great if each participant could visit the office hour of the instructor at least once during the semester.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Previous knowledge is not required for this course.
- Practical application of the course
Futures Trends uses a wide range of methods to predict the future such as the scenario method, trend analysis, anticipatory thinking, technology forecasting, causal layered analysis, and environmental scanning, to name only few. Certain methods involving statistics and the calculation of probability can help to predict future developments. Such predictions, of course, must be based on sound data, and rely on experience and history. Predictions cannot be made with certainty, but it can be said which developments are more likely than others and which are most likely, which trends will continue and which will come to an end. Such knowledge is indispensable for those who want to plan for the future and also seize the opportunities which the future provides.
- Reference