- Course Description
아동권리와 복지에 대한 기본 취지, 개념, 철학적 배경 사상 및 아동복지제도의 발달과정을 학습하고 현재 실시되고 있는 아동복지 사업들을 분석하고 개선점을 제안하도록 한다.
- Course Objectives
• To enable the student to gain a historical overview and understand the ethical standards and principles.
• To enable the student to understand and evaluate the role of societal factors.
• To enable the student to understand and evaluate a variety of service programming, gaps in current services, and the underlying values bases and history for these services.
- Teachnig Method
The course will consist of lectures, discussion of cases, and in-class exercises. A variety of activities are expected: discussion questions, assignment problems, and participation in class exercises.
Class attendance will be taken in each class. Attendance is only one component of the attendance/participation grade. I highly encourage students to participate in class by being proactive in sharing their opinions and being fully involved during class. There will be in-class work, which will be included in participation grading. I particularly consider attendance, participation, and attitude important and respect student who have strong desire to learn. You will not receive an A if you miss more than 3 classes no matter how well you do on other class work. If you are late 3 days (no excuse) it will be equal to 1 absence.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Participation is highly recommended for this course.
Discussions in both small and large groups are a requirement for this course.
Active participation is encouraged.
We will be examining case studies and critically looking at strategies and methods to use in the classroom and in real life situations.
- Practical application of the course
This course is designed to provide an introduction to the field of child welfare. This class will help future educators to be aware and prepared to help both children and families in the classroom.
- Reference