- Course Description
뮤지컬 연기의 기법은 일반적으로 연극 연기에 대한 연구와 크게 다르지 않다. 하지만, 두 개 사이의 분명한 주요 차이점은 뮤지컬 연기가 그 배우에게 노래를 통해 연기할 것을 요구한다는 것이다. 결과적으로, 뮤지컬 배우에게 목소리나 신체적으로 특별함이 요구된다.
이 과정은 학생들이 뮤지컬 넘버를 전달하는 기술을 배우고 연습할 수 있도록 한다. 더 많은 신체적인 노력(업템포, 댄스 곡)을 필요로 하는 곡의 연습을 통해 신체 움직임에 더 친숙해지고 편안해질 것이다.
주간 과제는 퍼포먼스에 초점을 맞추도록 설계되었다. 이 과정을 마칠 때까지 학생들은 목소리, 움직임, 그리고 춤의 통합된 공연을 실행하는 방법을 이해할 수 있어야 한다.
- Course Objectives
This course is designed to help students develop skills necessary for a professional life in the theatre. After completion of this course, students should have a greater understanding of the following:
1. to move and sing with confidence and intention
2. to synthesize voice and movement in order to create cohesive musical characters
3. to access tools necessary in the execution of musical theatre characters
4. to understand more fully the skills of singing, dancing and acting
5. to focus energy through the voice, face and body
6. to recognize their own strengths and assets that they can use when creating character
- Teachnig Method
Students are expected to attend all lectures and complete all assignments on time. Absences, including preplanned absences, will be handled and graded on a case by case basis.
Assignments that are completed late are subject to a lower grade.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
This course is open to theatre and musical theatre majors.
Acceptance into the class may be subject to the instructor‘s approval.
Priority will be given to upper class students (4th years, then 3rd years, etc).
- Practical application of the course
This course is an application course designed to allow the student to practice his/her skills as a musical theatre actor.
Through this course, the student will learn to integrate voice and body, singing and dancing, and acting, into a cohesive technique.
Class assignments will focus mainly on songs that require more physical character movement (i.e. uptempos and dance numbers),
in order to allow the student to become more familiar with and comfortable with his/her body movements.
Along with solos, group dance numbers will be taught in this class.
- Reference