- Course Description
실용영어글쓰기 교과목에서는 영어가 범지구적으로 통용되는 현대사회에서 학생들이 사회적, 학문적, 직업적인 맥락에서 영어로 스스로의 역량을 최대한 발휘 할 수 있도록 하는데 필요한 다양한 영어 글쓰기 기술을 습득하고 실천 한다 . 이 교과목에서는 또한
생각을 논리적으로 구성하고 청자와의 원활한 소통을 고려한 글쓰기, 목적에 따라 변별되는 다양한 글쓰기 형식의 중요성을 인식하게하고, 실제 글쓰기에서 적용하는 훈련을 한다.
- Course Objectives
This class helps you to
1. Communicate your ideas and opinions in clear sentences and cohesive paragraphs.
2. Improve your vocabulary use and grammatical accuracy.
3. Write focused paragraphs, purposeful letters, and expressive creative writings.
- Teachnig Method
Plagiarism is stealing the ideas or words of another person. This class has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on cheating.
If you plagiarise an assignment, you receive ZERO points for it. If you cheat a second time, you fail the course overall. Do not copy from books, websites, or other students. In addition, DO NOT use AI to generate assignments.
Assessments and Assignments:
Any assignments or assessments completed late are heavily penalised. Writing tasks submitted late are deducted 1.5 POINTS per day (each task is worth 7.5% of your total score for the course). Writing tasks submitted more than 4 WEEKDAYS after the deadline are not accepted.
You get a ZERO score for any UNCOMPLETED assignment or assessment. This includes NO SHOW for midterm exam, error correction test, and final exam.
If there is a good reason why you cannot take an assessment or submit an assignment on time, you must contact me BEFORE the assessment day / deadline.
English is the language we use in class. Contact me by email or the CTL if you have questions about class and assignments.
Participation and discussion is encouraged. Get involved and ask / answer questions during class.
Class rules:
Set your smartphone to silent before class starts. Only use it for studying.
POINTS deducted from your final score if you send messages on your phone, leave class for no reason, refuse to take part in tasks, put on makeup, or generally behave in a rude or antisocial manner in class.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
To pass this course you must
Complete all class work and assignments. There are penalties for late work.
Attend at least 2/3 of scheduled classes. If you miss more than 10 classes without providing official certification from the college admin team, you get an F grade.
Each absence results in a 1 POINT deduction from your attendance score. Arriving to class 20 minutes late or more means you are absent. Each late arrival counts as 1/3 of an absence. You are considered late if you arrive after roll-call.
- Practical application of the course
This course provides you with useful preparation for the written parts of the TOEIC, TOEFL and IELTS tests. In addition, you learn practical forms of written English - including writing emails and business letters - which help you in applying for jobs, conducting business correspondence, expressing opinions, and making travel arrangements.
- Reference