- Course Description
실용영어글쓰기 교과목에서는 영어가 범지구적으로 통용되는 현대사회에서 학생들이 사회적, 학문적, 직업적인 맥락에서 영어로 스스로의 역량을 최대한 발휘 할 수 있도록 하는데 필요한 다양한 영어 글쓰기 기술을 습득하고 실천 한다 . 이 교과목에서는 또한
생각을 논리적으로 구성하고 청자와의 원활한 소통을 고려한 글쓰기, 목적에 따라 변별되는 다양한 글쓰기 형식의 중요성을 인식하게하고, 실제 글쓰기에서 적용하는 훈련을 한다.
- Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are threefold. In the first place, it seeks to establish the relevance and importance of English writing skills for the students. It aims to show them that the ability to write in English can be advantageous to them in a wide variety of contexts, including their personal, professional, and academic lives. In addition, the course is designed to develop the students' skills as writers, giving them an understanding of how written texts are structured and organized in English, and how these texts vary depending on the writer's purpose and their intended audience. Finally, the course aims to enhance the students' language and vocabulary skills and their ability to express their ideas with an increased level of complexity and appropriacy.
- Teachnig Method
Students are expected to play an active role in the class and to cooperate with both the instructor and each other. Attendance and punctuality are also expected. In terms of workload, students are expected to prepare for each class by doing assigned readings, homework, and assignments on time. Most importantly, assignments must be a student's own work. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Plagiarism is taking someone else's work and presenting it as your own. One instance of plagiarism will result in the loss of a full letter grade for the student. Two instances will result in the student failing the class. Plagiarism will be discussed in more detail at the beginning of semester. However, if any student is unsure of what plagiarism is or how to avoid it, he/she should not hesitate to consult the instructor. Students will also be required to keep a writing folder consisting of all assignments, handouts, and assessments, which will serve as a portfolio of each student's work during the semester
- Textbook
- Assessment
Final Exam: This will be a 50-minute in-class writing where students can choose between producing one of several genres of writing
Assignments: Assignments are take-home writing assignments. The majority of these will not be graded. Marks will be awarded for complete and punctual submissions. Two assignments will be revised, and these will be graded
Quizzes: There will be three quizzes on specific aspects of written grammar and mechanics, for example, punctuation
Writing Folder: The writing folder is a record of each student's work in class and contains all work produced, notes, quizzes, handouts, etc. These should be organized in a number of folders and presented as a Zip file at the end of semester. It is graded solely on content and organization
- Requiments
Students should feel reasonably comfortable in sentence-level written grammar and syntax. Writing materials will also be required for each class.
- Practical application of the course
Students will become more skilled and confident in expressing themselves in written English in a variety of situations, whether these be personal, professional, or academic contexts. They will also gain an appreciation of the necessity to vary how they structure their ideas, their language use, and their register depending on the specific purpose and audience for which they are writing. In addition, students will enhance their understanding of English written grammar and cohesive devices and become more critical appraisers of written texts
- Reference