1. Course Description
    본 과목은 공학의 이론적 전문 지식을 해석과 분석을 통하여 수치적으로 구현할 수 있는 프로그래밍 기법을 배양하기 위한 과목이다. 이를 위해 학계와 산업계 현장에 널리 쓰이고 있는 MATLAB 소프트웨어를 기본 소프트웨어로 활용한다. 주요 강의 내용은 MATLAB 기본 사용법, 내장함수와 변수 사용법, 그래프 생성법, 행렬 계산, 보간법과 미적분의 수치해석 등을 학습한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    By the end of this course, my aim is for you to be comfortable with the following: 1. Utilize the computer to solve engineering problems 2. Utilize programming logic, structure, and syntax to develop multifunctional algorithms to solve engineering problems 3. Integrate existing numerical methods into these algorithms 4. Implement the designed algorithms using MATLAB 5. Determine errors present in numerical solutions to engineering problems 6. Integrate programming and numerical methods to solve linear and nonlinear engineering problems.
  3. Teachnig Method
    I. Classroom Rules (1.1) Class begins promptly at the beginning of the class period. It is advisable that students be in their seats and ready to start participating in a class at that time. (1.2) When the student has a question or comment, s/he needs to raise her/his hand first as a courtesy to her/his classmates. Remember, questions are NOT an imposition – they are welcome. Asking questions will help the students to learn more, and questions also make the class more interesting. II. Tardiness/ Absences (2.1) I expect students' full attention for the entire class period. If the student knows that s/he will need to leave before the class is over, s/he has to inform me before the start of the class, also s/he needs to try to sit as close to the door as possible so as not to disrupt others. Similarly, if the student arrives in class late, s/he needs to slip in as quietly as possible and take the first available seat s/he comes to. (2.2) If the student has an emergency or illness, s/he needs to contact me ahead of time to let me know that s/he will be absent, s/he also must provide formal documentation that supports her/his claims. If the student misses a class, it is s/he responsibility to contact me, outside of regular class time, to determine a plan to make up the missed work. III. Assignments & Quizzes (3.1) Students have to complete and submit assignments/quizzes by the due date. Assignments/quizzes began in class and are completed at home or home assignments/quizzes need to be submitted by students on the next class or given due date. (3.2) Failure to bring assignments/quizzes to class on the due date will result in a missing assignment grade. When the assignment is submitted late the following week there will be a 5-point penalty deduction. (3.3) Assignments/quizzes not received by the second week past the due date will receive a grade of zero. No assignments will be accepted more than two weeks late. IV. Do Not Use Mobile Phones During Class!
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    • Please review: (1) Calculus and ordinary differential equation (2) Linear algebra (Self study: Ch.2 of Gilat & Subramaniam) • Please refresh your skill in Matlab programming. It will help with homework assignments. (Most homework can be done by pen and paper and a calculator, but it will take longer.) - Excellent online tutorials at Click on Matlab and Simulink Tutorials - Beginner's guide (it's free):
  7. Practical application of the course
  8. Reference