1. Course Description
    이 교과목은 조선 정치사의 다양한 측면을 다룰 것이다. 국내 및 대외 정책, 붕당, 제도사 등을 포함하지만 거기에 국한되지는 않을 것이다. 이 교과목을 성공적으로 이수한 학생들은 조선 시대의 다양한 정치적 역동성과 근세 및 근대 한국 정치 문화의 발전에 대해서 잘 알 수 있을 것이다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Students who successfully complete this course will be able to demonstrate their familiarity with the political, intellectual, and institutional history of Choson Korea in general and of the intellectual history of the 1860s-1880s in particular. Additionally, students will evaluate the policies of the period and discuss their possible impacts on modern Korean history.
  3. Teachnig Method
    1. Attend class. 2. Arrive on time. 3. Take lecture notes. 4. Take reading notes. 5. Prepare in advance for discussion and review sessions.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Students must complete the following: 1. Attend lectures, discussions, and review sessions. This is worth 10% of the grade. 2. Take the midterm exam. This is worth 25% of the course grade. 3. Take the final exam. This worth 25% of the course grade. 4. Take four quizzes, each worth 10% of the course grade. 5. Complete reading as assigned.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students who successfully complete this class will: 1. Have a deeper understanding of early modern and modern Korean history. 2. Improve their ability to read, write, and speak in English about Korean history. 3. Improve their general English abilities.
  8. Reference