- Course Description
The objective of this course is to cultivate the ability to produce digital media advertisement through the studies of theories and tools for digital advertising production. The course focuses on the development of practical skills for solving communication problems through understanding concept of digital advertisement and student will learn and develop the ability to use production tools for producing actual digital media advertisement.
- Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to cultivate the ability to use digital channels in the process of creating useful advertising campaigns.
- Teachnig Method
This course is based on the practical studies.
The first half of the semester, lecture will be focused on the various theories and methods of digital channels.
And the last half of the semester, students will be focused on producing actual digital campaign.
[IMPORTANT] Since this course is a practical study, student must have a 'basic producing and designing skills', which can produce with adobe premiere pro and photoshop program.
While working on the planning of digital media advertising campaign, process and results will based on the practical and professional point of view.
If student have any questions about this course, contact at krnam@kmu.ac.kr
[중요] 영상작업이 있는 실습 수업입니다. 과제와 그 과제에 대한 크리틱이 있는 수업이며, 개인과제와 팀과제가 있는 수업이니 참고하세요.
**강의계획서에 명시되어있는 수업일정이 실습진도에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Requirement for this course is 'BASIC IMAGE PRODUCING SKILLS.'
- Practical application of the course
Through this course, students learn strategies, planning and creative sense of advertising which will cultivate the ability of using digital channels in new trends in advertisement.
- Reference