- Course Description
이 수업은 사회에서 스포츠의 역할의 기본 개념을 이해할 프레임 워크를 확립한다. 이 수업을 통해 학생들은 끊임없이 변화하는 스포츠 문화에 대한 사회적 및 윤리적 문제가 미치는 영향을 알게 될 수 있다. 스포츠의 현대 이론과 이슈, 스포츠 관련 행동 / 이벤트는 사회 문화적 관점에서 조사될 것이고 사회 및 윤리 개념은 현대 스포츠 관리자의 일상적인 결정에 영향을 미치는 것에 대한 이해를 제공한다.
- Course Objectives
1) Understand the definitions of play, sports, and games and the basic role they play human sociality
2) Examine the various social theories on why sports exist, and how we should the approach the study
3) Explain how sports relate to cultural attitudes, social dynamics, and social institutions.
4) Develop an understanding and appreciation for cultural difference through the study of sports in other societies.
- Teachnig Method
- It is the responsibility of the student to attend all class meetings on time, turn in all completed assignments by the due date, participate in class discussions, and do their best to contribute in class to take full advantage of this course.
- Students should read related materials, and be prepared for class discussions and questions over the material professionally.
- No exact copying of materials on your assignment. No plagiarism.
- Classroom respect and civility is expected and appreciated.
- Drinking water or beverage is permitted, but please do not eat in class.
- Your cell phone can be used only for matters related to the class, otherwise no phone using during the class, especially pick up or make any phone calls.
- Any inappropriate behaviors (e.g., read newspaper/other materials, work on computer, or talk to a classmate etc.) are not permitted. More than three warning relating these issues from instructor will result in a grade of “F.”
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
- Reference