- Course Description
In this lecture, the chapters which students will study that cover the basics of atomic structure, voltage, current, resistance, ohm’s law, power, series circuits, parallel circuits, series-parallel circuits, voltage and current dividers, Kirchhoff’s laws, network theorems and etc., which are related with DC circuits.
- Course Objectives
To develop the fundametnal tools of linear circuit analysis which will be useful to all enigneers.
To learn the basic of ciruits, including wires, resistors, capacitors, inductors, voltage and current sources, and advanced knowlege such as resounace, filter and etc.
- Teachnig Method
Lecture notes prepared by Prof. Wei Qun posted on the lecture website (CTL).
Utilize the beam projector and black board.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
Basic physical and mathematical ability are required for this lecture.
- Practical application of the course
Electrical circuit design
Help to understanding digital circuit
- Reference