- Course Description
Advanced English Communication 과목은 학생들의 영어능력 강화에 목적을 둔다. 학생들은 다양한 상황에서의 유연하고 효과적인 영어사용 연습을 통해 영어실력을 향상시킬 수 있다. 또한 정확한 문법 사용 능력 향상 및 수준 높은 고급단어를 학습할 수 있다.
- Course Objectives
This class aims to provide students with the knowledge and practice required to communicate in social, professional, and academic situations. This class will provide students with practice opportunities and feedback that target accuracy and fluency development. The variety of techniques and teaching methods used will provide students with a variety of learning experiences.
Students will develop in the following areas:
--Conversational skills
--Academic discussions
--Professional language
- Teachnig Method
Standard rules regarding absences, late submissions, plagiarism, and cheating apply. These will be outlined in class.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
- Reference