1. Course Description
    COURSE OUTLINES: "A building’s materiality is what our bodies make direct contact with – Materiality is of just as much importance as form, function and location - or rather, inseparable from all three. This course will overview a selection of materials that should be part of the design vocabulary of all space designers, skipping from the very familiar (such as concrete and steel) but focusing on new to materials which may be unknown – construction with timber, polycarbonate, textile, bamboo, earth, zinc, copper, post-disaster materials, … The course will be a comprehensive exploration of each of the materials and strategies, with examples of build cases and the opportunity to use the knowledge for a small design exercise.” COURSE OBJECTIVE: "Give an overview of new materials and related strategies, exploring what are the trends in new materials and how they can be used for design; give the opportunity for students to understand the materials and apply them in a design exercise."
  2. Course Objectives
    Curious about 3D printed buildings, new materials for facades, buildings using "containers"? ... The course will be an overview of all new materials and related strategies, exploring what are the trends in new materials and how they can be used for design; students will have the opportunity to understand the materials and apply them in a design exercise, which will also include new preesentation tools explorations.
  3. Teachnig Method
    The course is divided in ‘theory’ and ‘participation’. Each week one class will consist of ‘theory’: a lecture on a specific aspect related to ‘New materials’– with lectures with visual support, readings, video resources. During the other class there will be ‘participation’: students are encouraged to participate in group discussions about the previous lectures, basic workshops and expected to work on their own ‘individual and group research projects’. Active participation is requested, as well as a positive attitude to work both individually and in groups. Attendance and participation in class will only be considered if there is active participation - answering questions, making questions .... The class will taught in ENGLISH, just basic level for conversation in English is needed to communicate with the Professor. Students have to write their materials (reports, worksheets, exams ...) in ENGLISH. 1/3 of absence will consist of automatic failure of the course.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
    Students will be asked to engage in a variety of tasks in English, so a Basic understanding of English language is required, as students will be listening to lectures and media, reading textbook in English, discussing with their classmates team and Professor about materials, expressing ideas orally and in written form. Background in architectural engineering or architecture preferred but not mandatory, students from other departments and International students (excahnge students) are welcome.
  7. Practical application of the course
    Students will discover new materials to be used in architecture, by a mix of lectures, research and practice; this knowledge can be used in other design classes or working (in design or construction companies) after gaduation, or openning interest for further studies.
  8. Reference