- Course Description
이 과목은 교통공학전공 2학년을 대상으로 한 영어 계량과목이며, 교통수요분석에서 기본적으로 사용되는 4단계 수요분석모형을 중심으로 각종 계량분석방법을 학습한다. 이 수업은 각종 사회경제지표를 기존 관측값으로부터 미래 예측치를 뽑아내는 분석에서부터 단계적으로 4단계 수요분석모형을 고찰하며 최종적으로 통행배분 모형에 이르기까지 다양한 예제와 과제들을 통해 계량분석의 틀을 확립한다.
- Course Objectives
The goal of this course is to provide students with a broad overview of various planning and operations considerations in the multimodal transportation system for sustainable city and to offer basic understanding of various methods employed in transportation demand analysis.
- Teachnig Method
Absences or late arrivals will affect your participation grade. Student must have a valid written excuse (such as an official note from medical or legal authority). Late submissions will also count against your assignment grade. Incomplete assignments/term-paper won’t be recognized unless the student has a prior approval from the instructor. Missing the final exam will result in a failing grade unless you provide a valid written excuse (see above), in which case a make-up exam or assignment may be arranged. Cell phones must be turned off inside the classroom at all times. Every time that your cell phone rings in class your final grade will be reduced by 5%.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
English proficiency, general knowledge and interest in city and transportation
- Practical application of the course
Equip transportation engineers with various planning considerations and operations issues in city and transportation; enhance English language proficiency
- Reference