1. Course Description
    이 수업은 비영리 부문의 조직과 관리에 관한 것입니다. 그 외 제3섹터 단체, 사회적 기업, 비정부기구(NGO), 자선단체, 자원봉사 단체 등이 있습니다. 이 수업에서는 광범위한 유형학을 간략하게 설명하면서 비영리 조직의 관리에 대한 실용적인 접근법을 채택합니다. 실적평가는 금전적 조건에만 치중하는 영리기업과는 다르기 떄문입니다. 이 수업은 대학원생들에게 시민사회와 사회적 기업의 개념을 소개합니다. 그것은 사회적 기업, 자선 기관, 비영리 단체에서 일하거나 일할 수 있도록 그들의 경력을 준비하는 것입니다.
  2. Course Objectives
    Upon completion of this course, students will be able to 1. Understand state, profit-making and nonprofit organizations 2. Distinguish the different types of the nonprofit organizations 3. Apply the practical knowledge of nonprofit management 4. Relate the outcomes and impacts of nonprofit organizations and society
  3. Teachnig Method
    ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PLAGIARISM Students should acquaint with the University’s policy on academic integrity and plagiarism. Cheating and examination impersonation will be disqualified. Penalties will be applied for late submission of assignments and papers. Please refer to the related rules and regulations of the College for details. Class rules: Sick leave needs a doctor’s prescription afterwards. Causal leave needs preapproval supporting documents that can be submitted afterwards. Deadlines of assignment and presentation are not extendable. Late submission of assignments is generally not acceptable. In an exceptional case, a penalty may be applied. No re-sit for the quiz and exam for any reason. For sick leave and a family member’s funeral coincident with the quiz or exam date, a compensation test will be given afterwards without penalty.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
    Presentation- Group presentation on a case of non-profit organization; the students are free to choose which non-profit organization for analysis.
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    This course introduces the concept of non-profit organizations and social enterprises to students. There are many of these types of companies and organizations locally and internationally. Also, the government and for-profit companies need to deal with the third sector. It is to prepare for their career to work in or work with social enterprises and non-profit organizations.
  8. Reference