- Course Description
이 강의는 학생 작곡가들이 그들의 작품을 연주하기 위한 일련의 연주회로 설계되었다. 공연이 끝난 후에는 음악 소재, 상상력, 디자인, 미학, 작곡 기법과 관련된 주제들을 공유 하는 수업 토론이 이어지고, 이 과정을 통해 학생들은 작곡가, 연주자, 관객 등 3가지 역할을 함께 경험하고, 해석력과 연주력을 모두 기를 수 있게 된다. 그들의 작품들 즉 공연이 끝난 후에는 음악 소재, 상상력과 관련된 이슈를 공유하는 수업 토론이 이어진다.
- Course Objectives
The overaching objective of this course is to help students to gain practical experiences as a composer. Through preparing for the performance of works in this course, students will be able to interact and collaborate with the performers. Additionally, class disscussion about their peer’s performance will help students to widen the musical perspective. Throughout this procedure, this performance opportunity will be helpful for students to polish their musical language.
- Teachnig Method
At the beginning of the semester, several eminent composers and musicians will be invited to give presentations. It is a good opportunity to meet major figures in the field, explore works of theirs that are not commercially available, here fascinating anecdotes from their lives and careers, and accumulate bits of practical advice and general wisdom.
After several weeks of these guest presentations, students’recital schedule will begins. For each recital, students will prepare the performance of their works, then have discussion sessions about the performance.In addition, This course provides information about Arts & Culture Education Instructor Certificate to encourage students to begin the certificate course.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Composition: the student composers who program their music in the weekly recital require to submit their hard copy of score at least two weeks before the performance date.
- Performance: the student composers are responsible for finding the performers for their own works, having rehearsals in advance, and being ready for the performance.
- Assignment: all students are required to submit the paper about the summary of each guest lecture.
- Requiments
(중요) 타전공학생 수강신청 불가함.
This course is for composition students only. The other majors in music department is not allowed to register.
- Practical application of the course
This course focuses on the practical performance experience for composers. Through the performance with following class discussion, students will be able not only to listen the actual sound of their works, but also to learn the the attitude and responsbility as a composer for preparing a performance. Additionally, by listening peer’s works, students will be able to broden their musical perspectives and aesthetic view points of the music.
- Reference