- Course Description
국제환경법 과목은 이 과목을 들은 학생들에게 국제 관계에 대한 연구에 있어서 중요한 핵심 기술을 향상시키는 기회를 제공하는 과목이다. 더불어 이 과목을 통해 산업 혁명 이후 등장한 다양한 환경 문제에 대처하기 위한 국제 공동체의 노력들을 알아보는 기회를 갖게 된다. 이 과목은 "세계 기후 변화"와 같은 다양한 환경 문제를 조사하고, 국제법적 도구를 통해 이러한 문제를 규제해 본 것과 어떻게 해결해 보았는지를 다룰 것이다. 또한 이러한 노력들이 얼마나 성공적이었는지의 여부를 판단해 볼 것이다.
- Course Objectives
This course discusses International Environmental Law and its worldwide effects.
Primary Goals -
1. To introduce a participating student to the various principles, legal instruments, and practices used in International Environmental Law.
2. To improve a participating student’s research and writing skills in a legal setting.
Secondary Goals -
1. To increase a participating student’s vocabulary in terms of the environment and international law.
2. To increase a participating student’s knowledge and interest in various environmental issues.
- Teachnig Method
General Rules:
Every student will start the semester on 0 points for participation. During the class there are things that can gain (+) you points and things that can lose (-) you points. You cannot score any higher than 10 points.
Things That Will Lose You Points-
Littering = -1pt
Excessive Mobile Phone Usage = -1pt
Talking On A Phone During Class = -1pt
No Book Or Note Book = -1pt
No Pen/Pencil = -1pt
Excessive Chatting = -1pt
Eating Or Chewing Gum In Class = -1pt
Sleeping In Class = -2pts
Things That Will Gain You Points-
Actively Participating In Class (Asking And Answering Questions) = +1pt
Asking Questions During Case Presentations = +1pt
Showing Evidence Of Reading The Textbook Chapters Ahead Of Class = +1pt
NB: These can be added to if behaviour is deemed sufficiently appropriate or inappropriate to merit it.
- Textbook
- Assessment
- Requiments
- Practical application of the course
The Course International Environmental Law will provide participating students with the opportunity:
- To improve their research and writing skills.
- To increase their knowledge of environmental terms and issues.
- To improve their critical analysis skills.
- Reference