1. Course Description
    COLLEGE ENGLISH (I, II, III)는 일상생활에서 필요한 실용적인 영어 능력을 대학생들이 갖출 수 있도록 도와주는 종합 영어과목이다. 이 과목은 총 3개의 레벨로 나뉘고, 각 레벨 별로 학생들의 영어 구사 능력에 맞는 맞춤형 학습 경험을 제공한다. 수업을 통해 학생들은 영어 듣기, 말하기, 읽기 및 쓰기 능력을 점진적으로 향상시킬 것이며, 다양한 현실 상황에서 효과적이고 자신감 있게 의사소통할 수 있게 될 것이다. 레벨 1은 영어 기본적인 영어 표현, 문법, 어휘력을 키움으로써 학생들이 간단한 일상 대화를 할 수 있도록 지도하는 것에 중점을 주며, 레벨 2는 다양한 주제에 대한 의견을 영어로 표현하고 구조화된 대화를 하며 이에 걸맞은 읽기와 쓰기 능력을 갖추게 한다. 레벨 3은 프레젠테이션, 토론 등을 통해 높은 수준의 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기 능력을 개발하도록 한다.
  2. Course Objectives
    English for conversation can be an enjoyable experience but scary when a learner doesn't have enough exposure to it. This course will strive to give students opportunities that they may not have had in the past, and can possibly utilize in the future. Students will be participating in "Everyday English" in the form of idioms, slang, and expressions commonly used. Though it is not a grammar class, it will be necessary to have basics in English grammar.
  3. Teachnig Method
    Students must come to class prepared. If a student comes to class without their books or material that is needed for the class, they will get a warning and then minus 1 point for participation on the second offense and any other subsequent times. Speaking in Korean when working in small groups is forbidden unless absolutely necessary to make other students understand. **Do not use Korean with the teacher. ** If you have a cell phone, which almost every student possesses, please turn off the phone or put it on vibration (manner mode) during class. Students caught using their phone in any way during class will get 1 warning during class and then minus 1 point on their midterm or final exam. **The only exception is to look up words in the cell phone dictionary.** Students must be to class on time. There is a 10 minute grace period from the scheduled start time (on the hour). After 10 minutes the student gets marked late on the attendance sheet (3 illegal late checks is an automatic minus 1 point on the final grade (-1). After 30 minutes the student is marked absent (An illegal absence is an automatic minus 2 points on the final grade (-2). To avoid losing points, bring in a legal document to prove your absence. You have 2 weeks from the day you are absent to submit the legal document.
  4. Textbook
  5. Assessment
  6. Requiments
  7. Practical application of the course
    As English is now the common language used around the world in business, engineering, or other communication requirements situations between different groups of nationalities, this course should prove beneficial in both professional and leisure activities, whether the student needs to communicate with a foreign business partner or just order a meal in a restaurant. The student should also feel more comfortable using English or dealing with foreigners after completing this course.
  8. Reference